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It's dark in here, so I reach out my hands.
But only feel the air as it flows across me.
I realize that I am alone.
That your presence was just a memory.
A memory, no longer reality.
I let you go, just like I said I would.
You got too close, to breaking my barrier.
That protective wall, I've built around my heart.
I thought it was too soon,
When you said "I love you."
So I took you, brought you close.
And when you thought you were safe, I ran.
Left you, in your darkest hour.
Never to see you again.
Then a year went by, and there you were, again.
Trying to see me, trying to hold me.
And I took off again.
But still you persued me.
Tracked me down, a whole nother year.
Still charming, still beautiful, I'll bet.
But I ignored it.
Your charm, the saftey I felt in your arms.
Never knowing, never trying to let you in.
To find out the way I felt.
Now, your gone, and I'm left wondering.
Was this it?
Did I have true love?
Did I let it slip through my fingers?
All I have are my memories.
Now that I am here, alone,
in the dark.

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